I used to say that spring was my favorite season- fresh breezes, sunny mornings, and new life sprouting through the ground and budding on trees. The song of spring is a song of hope. As years have passed, however, I have started to look forward to autumn. Fall finishes the story that spring began. The green sprouts and tiny beginnings of spring find the meaning and purpose of their existence in the autumn rain and the harvest that it brings.
There is just something special about this season. Maybe it is not the thought of ripened fruits that rouses excitement in a person, but something a little more practical. Everyone, to some extent, looks forward to that special moment when he discovers the first fruits of all his labor. Deep in the heart of a human is a piercing desire to know that all of his strivings in work, all of his efforts in supporting his family, and all of his investments will amount to something exceedingly worthwhile in the end. Underlying all the aspirations of mankind is a driving need for purpose and direction in life- a reassurance that this day-to-day existence is not in vain.
So what is the secret to a plentiful harvest? In the Gospel of John, chapter 10, vs. 10, the Son promises that He came to give life, and that most abundantly! Let’s face it, though, even for those who fully embrace His promises, the fruit is not always immediately evident. In one’s own eyes, the present circumstances do not always appear to line up with the promises of God. Where are His great, abundant gifts when hearts are broken, families are falling apart, or failure defines the workplace? Where is He when day-in and day-out, toilsome efforts amount to nothing but emptiness and discontent?
Do you want to know the secret of fruitfulness? Do you REALLY want to know it? The secret the Bible offers to a life of great abundance first comes as a shock to all who hear it. It offends and disgusts hearts that are unwilling to hear, but for hearts just desperate for the answer, the Truth takes root. For those who are ready, here it is:
“John 12:24~ Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”
This verse clearly teaches that the key to an abundant life lies in death. In other words, in order to live completely, one must first die completely. This means abandoning one’s own selfish nature and learning to live solely by the power of the Spirit. This is not an easy truth to tackle! In a world that promotes independence and self-help, total abandonment of self to the Father appears foolish. In a society that screams for personal success, elevating Him above everything else in life is “naïve and distasteful” at best. Yet what the Son seems to be saying here is that by dying to the selfish human nature, one will actually produce MORE fruit. Why? Because it is GOD who causes things to grow.
The problem is that many people are functioning as though it were possible to be alive and dead at the same time. Everyone, in his or her own head, would agree that there are only two options; one is either dead or alive. That is why, when the line on the heart monitor stops fluctuating, no one dives in to perform emergency CPR. That is why no one would dare put a body in the ground if there were still even the slightest sign of a pulse or heartbeat.
There is no such thing as “mostly dead,” yet so many live as if there were. For example, one may be content enough to surrender control of his marriage, family, and health, but not the workplace. “God can have everything else, just not my job. I’ve got it under control, and I like things the way they are.” One might be happy enough to give up her possessions, her dreams, and her career, but not her children. “God, you can have all of me, just don’t take my children away from me, and let me raise them the way I feel is right.” One might trust Him with every last detail save one. “God, I will give everything. I will serve you anywhere. Just don’t ask me to go alone.” With this mentality, we walk through life like wandering zombies- “mostly dead,” but partly refusing to die. As long as we hold back, we cannot live the fruitful life that the Father desires for us. Do you want to see fruit in your life, your marriage, your family, your work? Ask the Father to help you die to self.
Last week I was suffering from an excruciating pain in my right shoulder muscle. I was so stiff that I could not turn my neck even a small degree to the right. It distracted me from everything I was trying to accomplish, and I could not function properly. As I sat on the couch in the office, a coworker massaged the area until she found a knot so big and so hard she could move it around. Immediately, she began pushing it down with two fingers as hard as she could. As I winced in pain, she explained to me that in order to get rid of this knot, a great amount of pressure must be applied to release the “toxins” in that area of the muscle.
The truth is that everyone walks around at times with giant knots in his or her life. It may not be apparent from the outside, but there are often one or two trouble spots that are causing all the pain and heartache. One may recognize those “knots” as the areas of life that are not yet surrendered to our Good Father. In order for that area to die, a great amount of pressure must be applied, and it will hurt.
If you’ve been wondering why you haven’t seen any fruit in your life lately, try asking God to reveal your “trouble spots.” It may be a horribly painful process, but the promise is that the rewards of joy, fruit, and fulfillment will far exceed every pain and discomfort you endure. I used to say that spring was my favorite season, but since then I have met with Fall. And I am convinced that although the song of spring is light and melodious, it would be nothing without the deep, strained minor notes of autumn that give the music its wings.
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