Monday, May 3, 2010

Got A "Funny Feelin''"

Do you remember those two, young Egyptian girls I met unexpectedly a couple entries back? Well, just to update you, I met with them again a couple days ago. We had been in contact by phone a few times, but a couple days ago we met on road nine and went for a walk. We walked around the streets of Maadi, just talking and getting to know each other. We bought some Pepsi’s and then went and sat in a little garden area and just visited. They taught me some Arabic, and I taught them some English. Zee-Zee wanted to know how to scold a child in English. J She told me she has a four-year-old sister who is constantly getting into trouble, and she doesn’t like the way her mom punishes her with a beating. Physical reprimand is how most people choose to discipline their kids in this culture, but Zee Zee said she does not like it and wanted to know how to TELL her sister that what she is doing is wrong or not good for her.

My time with these two girls was very enjoyable, but what encouraged me the most was a comment that Hannan made when talking to me. She told me that when she first met me, she felt comfortable right away. She said, “I always like talking to foreigners, but this time I just had this feeling. I do not understand it, but this feeling, it told me to talk to you. I am not sure why, but it made me want to introduce myself to you.” My heart just jumped as the spirit inside of me confirmed the truth of what she told me. This “feeling” that she could not comprehend was the gentle prompting of my Brother’s spirit that I have come to know and love. I just wanted to exclaim, “I know what your feeling was!” But I was content in just thanking my Dad for hearing my requests and bringing me a couple Egyptian friends that are outside my Family. How faithful He is to answer when we ask according to His will! And how blessed we are to be a part of the work He is already doing.

I recently have started a Level One Arabic class. We have met three times so far, and I really enjoy going. I am learning a little bit more conversation and also starting to learn the Arabic alphabet and how to write. I’m actually finding that I look forward to doing my homework and going to class. I wonder how long that will last. ;) Regardless, I am thankful. I am also thankful that in 33 days, I will see my family again! Even for a short time (3 weeks), it will be a much-needed refreshment for my heart. Keep asking Dad to lead and guide my every step each day. Thanks for sharing with me in this work.

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